PCB Antenna Design: A Step-by-Step Guide
Step-by-step guide to the PCB antenna design process, providing practical tips to help you successfully integrate the antenna into your wireless product.

Top 10 Electronics Podcasts You Should Listen To
This curated list of top electronics podcasts is tailored for those trying to keep up with the rapidly evolving tech world.

MacroFab's Certifications Benefit PCBA Production
Your PCBA production must be secure and reliable for your products to compete in the market. We have listed our certifications and how they benefit you.

The Future of Electronics is Moving Away from Silicon Chips
With technological advances and changing market trends, there has been a growing movement towards silicon carbide (SiC) and system-on-a-chip (SoC) designs.

Why Should You Use Rigid-Flex PCB Assembly?
Rigid-flex PCBs use both rigid and flexible substrates, enabling the electronic engineer to connect multiple layers of flexible and printed subcircuits.

PCBA Signal Integrity Problems: Ten Factors to Consider
It is difficult to protect each key signal from all noise intrusions, but this must be done to design an effective PCB assembly.

Castellations: How to Use Them in PCBA Design
We will review what castellations are, why they get used, and several design considerations for castellated edges.

How to Document Your PCBA Process for Better Results
We’ll walk you through the types of documentation your project requires, and how better documentation can speed up your PCBA project development.

The Five Biggest Design Mistakes for PCBAs
When it comes to PCBA manufacturing, take the time to consider all the challenges and risks you face.

Cooling Techniques for Rugged PCBA Designs
This short blog post covers design strategies for coping with and dissipating excess heat.

FAB Insights: PVT in PCBA Product Development
The production validation test (PVT) stage is a key milestone to proving your new PCBA project design can successfully run at full production volumes.

Optimize Your PCBA Project Manager Role with Cloud Manufacturing
A good PCBA project manager can make or break a project. Without the right tools at their disposal, even the best project manager can become overwhelmed.

MCAD and ECAD Collaboration for Smart Electronics Design
Electrical and mechanical automated design occur simultaneously reducing possible validation gaps when two separate design efforts happen independently.

The Last 5 Checks Before Uploading Electronics Prototype Designs
Your success in PCB prototyping depends on following a robust final checklist to address all design details.

Successful PCBA Documentation Tips
An electronics engineer job is to make sure documentation is clean, up to date, and complete, which keeps production online and mitigates challenges.

Five Ways to Prevent Waste on PCB Prototyping
PCB prototyping establishes design feasibility and future manufacturability. Read our tips to prevent waste and improve success rates.

Rapid PCB Prototyping with Cloud Manufacturing
Rapid PCB prototyping approaches using cloud manufacturing can help time to market

Introduction to EMC Compliance in PCB Design
People new to the FCC and CE compliance process may find it daunting and cumbersome. This article is an excellent introduction to EMC compliance.

Red Hot PCB: QWERTY Keyboard Badge for Hackaday
This is the newest revision of the Basic Badge. It has a full QWERTY keyboard, beautiful color screen, and a speaker with 3-voice audio.

Red Hot PCB: High Performance Audio DAC
MacroFab Red Hot PCB features the ApplePi DAC, an ultra-high performance audio I2S DAC hat for the Raspberry P that eliminates the need for pre-amplifiers.

Red Hot PCB: Single Key Mechanical Keyboard
MacroFab Red Hot PCB features a the Big Switch, a fully-functional programmable macro key that runs QMK, has a mini USB port, and acts as a desk lamp.

Via Tenting for PCB Design
Lead EE Parker discusses part selection when it comes to via tenting and non tented via tenting, which is a type of solder mask on surface mounted PCBs.

Red Hot PCB: Prime_O Keyboards
This weeks' Red Hot PCB doesn't operate like your normal staggered keyboard but is an ortholinear keyboard custom designed by PrimeKB.

Red Hot PCB: Illuminating Bike Light Control
This week's Red Hot PCB is a remote that controls the LEDs on a bicycle's tail light system and also the bike helmet!
About MacroFab
MacroFab offers comprehensive manufacturing solutions, from your smallest prototyping orders to your largest production needs. Our factory network locations are strategically located across North America, ensuring that we have the flexibility to provide capacity when and where you need it most.
Experience the future of EMS manufacturing with our state-of-the-art technology platform and cutting-edge digital supply chain solutions. At MacroFab, we ensure that your electronics are produced faster, more efficiently, and with fewer logistic problems than ever before.
Take advantage of AI-enabled sourcing opportunities and employ expert teams who are connected through a user-friendly technology platform. Discover how streamlined electronics manufacturing can benefit your business by contacting us today.