Electronics Nearshoring: Moving Past APAC Manufacturing Risks
It’s taken more than two years for supply chains to go back to normal, and even now, some industries continue to struggle as zero-COVID policies continue.

Six PCBA Design Trends to Watch in 2023
Engineers must continually seek out new options and keep up with market changes. Take note of these six trends within the electronics industry.

PCBA Signal Integrity Problems: Ten Factors to Consider
It is difficult to protect each key signal from all noise intrusions, but this must be done to design an effective PCB assembly.

Should Your Business Follow Apple Out of China?
Apple’s pivot from its manufacturing in China spread this weekend. The Supply Chain Heat Map shows U.S. manufacturing orders from China are down 40%.

Countdown to Lunar New Year: 8 Weeks to Prepare
Eight weeks remain until Lunar New Year begins. What do you need to know right now?

75-Day Countdown to Lunar New Year 2023
This blog will cover the information you need right now to keep your production running at its best during the Lunar New Year.

Why Electronics Production is Moving to Mexico From China
With its proximity to the US, its large population, and its reasonable labor costs make Mexico a good choice for North American manufacturers.

How are Small Electronics Companies Handling Supply Chain Risk?
With an appropriate strategy in place, you can increase your resilience and be responsive to your customers’ needs.

Top Things You Should Know About Prototyping PCBAs in the USA
Thanks to platforms like MacroFab, electrical engineers can now find viable prototyping options in the U.S. more easily than before.

100-Day Countdown to Lunar New Year 2023
Lunar New Year festivities begin on January 22nd, 2023 and it begins a long period of disruption in Asian electronics manufacturing.

Manufacturing PCBAs in Mexico: Do it with American-Based MacroFab
For companies with midsize to large production runs looking for nearshoring advantages, switching to Mexico is a smart move.

October 7 is MFG Day!
The United States celebrates National Manufacturing Day, promoting awareness about the abundance of manufacturing employment and career opportunities.

Castellations: How to Use Them in PCBA Design
We will review what castellations are, why they get used, and several design considerations for castellated edges.

How to Document Your PCBA Process for Better Results
We’ll walk you through the types of documentation your project requires, and how better documentation can speed up your PCBA project development.

Understanding Conformal Coating Vs. PCB Potting/ Encapsulation
Here is a quick overview of encapsulation vs. conformal coating, as well as their best uses.

How EMS Manufacturing Benefits from Human-AI Teamwork
The benefits of AI are clear faster decision-making, better integration, and increased efficiency, to name a few.

FAB Insights: ENIG vs. ENEPIG--Picking a PCBA Surface Finish
Let’s review PCBA surface finishes in a side-by-side comparison to identify the best option for your PCBA projects.

The Five Biggest Design Mistakes for PCBAs
When it comes to PCBA manufacturing, take the time to consider all the challenges and risks you face.

Cooling Techniques for Rugged PCBA Designs
This short blog post covers design strategies for coping with and dissipating excess heat.

FAB Insights: PVT in PCBA Product Development
The production validation test (PVT) stage is a key milestone to proving your new PCBA project design can successfully run at full production volumes.

A Practical Guide to Solder Flux
The assembly manufacturing process, including solder flux, has a large impact on the success of final product quality.

Cloud Manufacturing Reduces Electronic Supply Chain Disruptions
Here are three specific ways cloud manufacturing simplifies sourcing and procurement for supply chain professionals today.

Fab Insights: DVT in PCBA Product Development
Once a new development project completes the evaluation validation test (EVT) process, it is time to undertake the DVT (Design Validation Test) stage.

Fab Insights: EVT in PCBA Product Development
The engineering validation test (EVT) stage determines whether your PCBA design meets your customer’s functional product requirements.
About MacroFab
MacroFab offers comprehensive manufacturing solutions, from your smallest prototyping orders to your largest production needs. Our factory network locations are strategically located across North America, ensuring that we have the flexibility to provide capacity when and where you need it most.
Experience the future of EMS manufacturing with our state-of-the-art technology platform and cutting-edge digital supply chain solutions. At MacroFab, we ensure that your electronics are produced faster, more efficiently, and with fewer logistic problems than ever before.
Take advantage of AI-enabled sourcing opportunities and employ expert teams who are connected through a user-friendly technology platform. Discover how streamlined electronics manufacturing can benefit your business by contacting us today.