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Designing for Availability: Strategies for Quality Electronics Production

When designing new electronics products, it’s crucial to think ahead to production. Your designs should anticipate challenges and minimize future modifications.

Learn How To Handle Today's Design-To-Production Challenges

Strategies for Quality Electronics Production

When designing electronics products, it's crucial to consider production. Resilient supply chains are able to maintain operations in the face of changes in the supply of material. You can achieve your desired outcome most effectively by designing early for material availability. By reading this white paper, you'll be able to:

  • Identify the benefits of multi-sourcing critical materials
  • Determine how to minimize ECOs as efficiently as possible
  • Identify the benefits of taking into account form, fit, and function early in the process
  • Utilize easy-to-implement strategies to overcome market challenges
  • And more!

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What It Is

An introduction to the benefits of DFA on production timelines

Who It's For


How To Use It

Increase your production efficiency by adapting your early designs

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