Circuit Break Podcast #235

Solar Freaking Cat Feeders

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Infineon’s use of recyclable PCBs to create a soluboard. An examination of the new Arduino Uno, Minima and Wifi, plus a CNC and saw blade update.

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The Simplest SMT Component… In The World

Stephen’s CNC steps closer to being completed! Parker receives a newsletter that has the simplest SMT component in the world.

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July 29, 2020, Episode #235

Parker's Cat Feeder Unreminder now has a parts list! Listen as Parker explains his electrical component choices and Stephen discusses CNC upgrades.


  • Cat Feeder Unreminder
    • Pulsing current to light LEDs
    • Timer IC
    • Power Management
      • Solar with super capacitors
      • Panasonic BSG series solar panels
        • Will have to do research on specifying solar panels
      • AEM10941
        • Built in LDO regulators


  • Ball screws
    • Bought a small section of ball screw with the associated nut, nut housing, and end block
    • SFU1605 300mm – 16mm diameter and 5mm pitch
    • Trying to work out linear forces and the RPM range if it were to be driven from a stepper motor or servo
    • Mechanical engineering is tough
  • CNC work
    • Cut the first actual project on the CNC
    • Movable cradle for holding chassis – makes working on them super easy
    • Had to spend some serious time working on getting the machine to cut 90 degree
      • Iterative process
    • Flex in the machine – 0.02” accuracy
    • Going to cut some speaker cabs next
    • Added a simple fan radiator
    • 8020 catalog arrives sometime soon….
  • ARP 2600 repair
    • A client found a unit that was put in a closet in 1984
    • It was only pulled out last weekend and is now in my hands to do some repairs
Cnc empire 1
Cnc empire 2

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