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Can Your Business Afford a Delayed PCBA Product Launch?

Technology-based companies have had trouble bringing products to market on time, with more than 45% being delayed by at least one month. Late to market can, however, negatively impact your revenues and profitability by up to 50%. Clearly, this is not sustainable.

A PCB assembly product development team must possess expert knowledge, clear communication, and the ability to share information. Companies can improve their time-to-market and compete more effectively within their respective industries by aligning and supporting these elements. In this white paper, we'll discuss challenges and options for achieving that goal, including

  • The six major obstacles to launching on time
  • The four top benefits of meeting your time-to-market goals
  • The hidden profitability impacts of late product launch
  • Top strategies to minimize electronics production delays
  • Why cloud manufacturing can increase your competitiveness

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What It Is

A detailed analysis of the profitability and long-term performance impacts of late PCBA product launches.

Who It's For

Product Owners

How To Use It

Identify the long-term impact of early-stage decisions to improve the success of projects.

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